Creative Coding Linz #4 | Linz

Creative Coding Linz #4

Was wird geboten?

ATTENTION, Attention: unfortunately we have to postpone this meeting :( We will let you know about a new date as soon as possible

This Creative Coding Linz will be about "Never-Finished and Failed Projects". For this, we need what is buried in your drawers and backup harddrives: projects you never had time to finish or which didn't turn out the way you intended.

We are trying to pack this into a little exhibition, and _might_ also get the empty office next door for that. Don't be shy, we know it's hard to put your name under something which is not polished, but this is, what this is all about.

So don't let these pieces and ideas be unseen. Share them, and who knows, maybe this is an opportunity for some of them to be picked up and continued. Contact us, so we can prepare and put your never-finished work in the right light.

Diskussion zum Event

Sorry guys, we have to postpone the next meeting :( We will let you know about the new date as soon as we have one.
This Creative Coding Linz will be about "Never-Finished and Failed Projects". For this, we need what is buried in your drawers and backup harddrives: projects you never had time to finish or which didn't turn out the way you intended. We are trying to pack this into a little exhibition, and _might_ also get the empty office next door for that. Don't be shy, we know it's hard to put your name under something which is not polished, but this is, what this is all about. So don't let these pieces and ideas be unseen. Share them, and who knows, maybe this is an opportunity for some of them to be picked up and continued. Contact us, so we can prepare and put your never-finished work in the right light.
It's time to think about what to enter for the "exhibition" of never-finished, forever-WIP, and failed projects on Mar 18! Maybe some generative artwork you never found a proper use for? Definitely worth being printed and exhibited!

Daten für dieses Event


19:30 Uhr, Mittwoch, 01. Januar 2025


Quasipartikel | Kanzlei für Datenweitwurf
Harrachstr. 28
4020 Linz

Party News für Linz

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Creative Coding Linz, Linz

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